¡Crea una buena vida con un Análisis de Feng Shui Clásico y Carta Natal BaZi!
¡Crea una buena vida con un Análisis de Feng Shui Clásico y Carta Natal BaZi!
Negative Qi
Negative Qi
Anything long and straight aimed at a home or building can be clasified as Negative Qi. The most common form of this type of negative Qi is a T-junction or intersection.
Qi Negativo
Cualquier cosa larga y recta dirigida a la casa o edificio puede clasificarse como Qi Negativo. La forma más común de este tipo de Qi negativo es un Cruce T o intersección.
Negative Qi
There are a number of structures you should be worried of, such as tall electricity transmission towers. Not only do they look physically intimidating, but the high-voltage tension wires associated with these towers emit Negative Qi, which can overpower and kill all other energy around them. This is an obvious example of harmful Negative Qi, but there are many other more subtle forms of Qi interference that are not visible to untrained eye.
Qi Negativo
Hay muchas estructuras de las que debe preocuparse, como las torres altas de transmisión de electricidad. No solo se ven físicamente intimidantes, sino que los cables de tensión de alto voltaje asociados con estas torres emiten Qi negativo, que puede dominar y matar toda otra energía a su alrededor. Este es un ejemplo obvio de Qi negativo dañino, pero hay muchas otras formas más sutiles de interferencia de Qi que no son visibles a simple vista.
Negative Qi
If your main door opens directly to a tree or any other object is Negative Qi.
Qi Negativo
Si su puerta principal se abre directamente a un árbol o cualquier otro objeto es Qi Negativo.
How to mitigate the negative Qi
Trees can form a protective barrier from negative Qi.
Como Mitigar el Qi negativo
Los árboles pueden formar una barrera protectora contra el Qi negativo.
Missing Sectors of the Home Can Affect Family Members
In Feng Shui a missing sector is considered a weakened sector, since the Qi flow would not be balanced. Each of the 8 sectors of the home represents a member of the family unit.
If the Northwest sector is missing the Partriarch, breadwinner or old man could be seriously affected. His or Her career and business venture will suffer from a lack of energy and motivation.
When the Southwest sector of the home is missing the mother, old woman or Matriarch will lose influence in the Family unit.
When the East Sector of the house is missing, the Eldest Son is affected.
When the Southeast Sector of the house is missing, the Eldest Daughter is affected.
When the North Sector of the house is missing, the Middle Son is effected.
When the South Sector of the house is missing, the Middle Daughter is effected.
When the Northeast Sector of the house is missing, the Youngest Son is effected.
When the West Sector of the house is missing, the Youngest Daughter is effected.
What Can Feng Shui Do For You?
Feng Shui is often credited with creating miracles changes in people's lives. Many people actually improvements in relationships finances, health and well-being to applying Feng Shui principals to their homes or offices. Is not the results of magic, belief or luck. They occur because Feng Shui helps people adjust factors in their environment in order to accentuate the positive and minimize the negative. When you're happier in your surrondings, you experience greater happiness and satisfaction in your life.
Feng Shui & Architecture
Irregular shape properties or missing sector of a home is considered a weak sector. Missing corners always create problems and the severity of the problem depends on which corner is missing.
Any shape layout that is a perfect square or rectangular is always regarded as auspicious. This is considered to be the most regular shape and is highly recommended because is easy to enhance the Feng Shui in such shapes.
Qi (Chi) Energy
Qi Energy, is dispersed by the wind and accumulates in the water. Is basic life force energy, it can not be seen or heard. However, it could be felt around us in all places. When surrounded by beauty, healthy plants and animals experience positive emotions and feelings of vitality. In this case, a space is considered to have good Qi.
Feng Shui & BaZi Compilation 2
*If your goal is to create a home that feels welcoming and peaceful, its important to eliminate any sharp or thorny plants inside your home. Best option is to have plants with soft and rounded leaves.
*Yang energy of the Sun is vital. Go outside, take a sunbath and drench yourself for a few minutes in this precious, natural, Yang energy.
*Create a good life with a Feng Shui Analysis.
*4 Main Factors of Feng Shui
*The Environment - Natural Features
*Buildings - Shape, Direction, Internal Layout & Main Door
*The Resident- Each Resident is represented by a personal Gua number.
*Time - Everything changes with Time.
*The front door is another focal point that impacts the first impression of any home or building. In Feng Shui the main door features prominently on the list of significant things.
Feng Shui & BaZi Compilation 1
*Colors in Classic Feng Shui have a 7% effect in the layout of your home.
*Selecting auspicious furniture plays an important role in improving your Feng Shui. The principle to take note of is that your furniture should always give you support. There must be support so a bed head is important. The headboard has to be solid. Headboard with opening does not support you.
*In addition to having a favorable headboard, you should also sleep in one of your auspicious directions. In Feng Shui, sleeping in your auspicious direction has a very high priority. You would always have a better Feng Shui if you succeed in positioning your bed to one of your four good direction.
*In Feng Shui the bedroom in the household is Yin. Bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the home because sleep is a vital component to health an well-being. By considering Feng Shui principals when arranging a bedroom, a great deal can be done to creat an environment thats conductive to a good night's sleep. So for you to benefit a good night sleep please dont have this items in your bedroom.
-Work-Related Items -Electrical Items
-Exercise Equipment
-Nothing under the bed
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